Spanking erotica interview with Laura Bacchi

Here is my fourth Spanked: Red-Cheeked Erotica contributor interview, with Laura Bacchi.

Read the others:

Alison Tyler
Donna George Storey
Teresa Noelle Roberts

Laura Bacchi

Laura Bacchi is an award-winning author of erotica and erotic romance. Her work can be found at Ruthie’s Club and in e-book format at Loose-Id, Samhain, Amber Quill Press, and Liquid Silver Books. Laura’s erotic shorts will soon be in print in multi-author anthologies from Pretty Things Press (Screaming Orgasms and Sex on the Beach edited by Shanna Germain) and Cleis (Hard Hats edited by Neil Plakcy). For more Laura, visit

You can also find her at:


Tell us a little about yourself that’s not in your official bio.

Let’s see… I can walk through a lawn and spot any four-leaf clovers almost instantly. I like to write really bad, super-melodramatic poetry. I collect old books, cameras, and salt-and-pepper shakers. And I have a day job that I sometimes love and sometimes hate.

What inspired your story, “Page by Page,” in Spanked?

I’m intrigued by the idea of professional submissives. I’m also intrigued by characters who, for whatever reasons, don’t want to reveal themselves too quickly or too directly. Paul and Sarah share that quality, and I enjoyed drawing this out and helping them connect.

You use a journal as a spanking implement in the story, which, as a journal writer and major bookworm, I loved. Plus, your description is so vivid: “He picked up the pace, let the book pound me harder now. Below the leather cover, my ass tingled and the flesh deeper inside each cheek opened up to the pain while I opened up, like a story. Page by page, each new word stripping back a layer here and there, pushing me—the real me—to unfold for him.” How is having a character be spanked by a journal different from a hand or another kind of toy? What were you trying to convey by that?

Everyone has a hand or can buy a paddle on the Internet, but not everyone keeps a journal these days. As a journal writer myself, I would love to be spanked by one, to be touched by something that keeps hidden the desires a writer may be too afraid to share. A diary is such a personal thing and in many ways a bit old-fashioned. When blogging came on the scene, I thought I would embrace it as intensely as I had journal writing. Not so. With blogging, something personal became public, so I still cherish my journals, the feel of pen on paper, and the privacy of it all.

Paul’s journal represents his desire for Sarah. He shares his fantasies and waits for her reaction. As a thoughtful Top, he needs to feel her out, see what she really craves — even though he’s paying her to be his bottom. Since he’s not allowed to touch her directly, he uses the diary to get as close as possible physically and emotionally. I also tried to convey that, for the first time in quite a while, a man engaged her mind, was patient enough to get personal, and understood what she needed.

Along similar lines, storytelling itself is a player in “Page by Page.” The stories Paul tells Sarah about herself and her desires help spark her imagination. How do you see their oral storytelling fitting in with your story?

Storytelling was an artificial way for them to get closer to each other. By the end, hopefully it’s apparent that working within the idea of a story isn’t just a way she protects herself. I think she sees her life as a tale unfolding and is okay with reality being there yet being held at arm’s length, like she’s looking at her actions as if she were a character in someone else’s story. Paul is comfortable with this too, so he “writes” the rest of their story while they live it.

One of the lines your characters cross in your story is that of client and sex worker. Things change after Paul calls her Sarah, her real name, and she grapples with that push/pull of attraction toward him with wanting to remain in her role. Why do you think she allows herself to break this taboo with Paul?

Because he pushes her — he wants her badly and as more than a paid bottom. And he “gets” her. She’s now ready to take a chance with a client because the odds are in her favor that he’s the one, that ever-coveted soul mate kinda guy. So she’s willing risk her professional reputation and her heart to have him cross that line.

Why do you enjoy writing spanking erotica? Is there anything different for you about writing spanking erotica vs. other kinds of erotica?

My head is full of spanking fantasies, and luckily I’ve lived out a few of them, so I really connect with this theme. The words flow and I’m there, immersed in the story, and I hope my enjoyment of writing spanking erotica comes through for the reader. I’m guessing that the more I’m into a kink, the more the story rings true for the reader. When I write stories where I’m not as into a certain activity, it’s not as much fun for me.

As a reader, do you have a favorite spanking erotica story?

My friend Bridget Midway wrote one several years back called “House of Memories” and it involves a hairbrush. It was the first spanking story I’d read, so it has a special place in my heart.

What’s next for you?

I’m wrapping up a few erotic romance stories for electronic publishers. After that I’m working on my first mainstream novel, a thriller. My stories appear with some regularity at Ruthie’s Club where I’m a member of the editing staff, and I plan to continue writing stories for them as well. And some of them will probably involve spanking 😉

Here’s an excerpt from Laura’s story “Page by Page” – read the whole thing in Spanked: Red-Cheeked Erotica.

“Where does one cross the line, Sarah? When our appointment is over, do you say good-bye, then make yourself come like I do?”

This one little confession wouldn’t hurt…would it?

“Yes,” I admitted.

“Then let me make you come. Let me touch you.”

His warmth now hovered over the curve of my ass, and I trembled. I couldn’t help it. The shiver rolling through my body forced me to make contact with the roughness of his five o’clock shadow and the smooth edge of two lips as they took a chance to make the connection linger.

“Who’s touching whom?” he asked against me, the side of his lips wetting my asscheek.

I lowered my bottom half as best I could and he began messing with the book, the empty pages fluttering like whispered secrets against my skin. A corner of the journal glided over the entrance to my ass, then probed my slick hole below. \

“Spread your legs.”

I went wide, tilting my ass up for him. Giving him access. The book retreated for a heartbeat or two until he pressed the edge of one cover securely against the side of my clit. He tested me, pushing into my swollen flesh or pulling back, while I reacted, body tense, breath shallow. Then the blank pages flew past, blowing air over my soaked cunt as they returned to the swollen knot of my clit. I rolled my hips to control the pressure, to make the pages hit where I wanted them to.

“You’re like an open book,” he told me. “Do the others see it?” He fanned the book over my clit again. “Do they?”


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